Home & School Association
School Excellence
- Support the development of Christ the King Schools
- Support school-sponsored activities of all students
- Support in all learning areas of CTK education
- Promote fundraising events to provide support for the mission of CTK Schools and school sponsored activities
- Boost parent support in all areas of fundraising
- Raise parent awareness of Home & School’s support for CTK Schools.
- Have FUN with all our efforts and adventures!
Parent Pride
- Encourage parent support in Home & School activities
- Help parents feel connected to CTK Schools through discussion, social events, and membership meetings
- Focus on volunteer (service) hours and guide, report, and recognize parents
- Seek ways to boost parent interaction
Teacher Support
- Promote Teacher Appreciation events
- Provide monetary aid for teaching supplies
- Promote underwriting for teacher and student actions that improve school and student leadership development
- Inspire as many Teacher/Student/Parent suggestions as possible
- Support ways to increase our teacher interaction in NCEA
Service Hours
As a boost for our community, our school requires parents to volunteer their time and talent. This is a chance for everyone to not only help others, but also an opportunity to connect with others in our school community. Volunteer hours are logged through each family’s FACTS Family Portal to keep track of their donation of time. Not only is this practice a chance to connect with others in our school community, it also sets an example for our young students to volunteer. Students learn about their community and interact in new ways that create memories.
20 hours of service per family (10 hours for single parent households) is required for each school year. Volunteer opportunities are made available on the school website, the First Friday Flash newsletter and other communications throughout the school year. At least half of a family’s required hours should be volunteering at activities (versus donated goods or monetary donations). The FACTS Family Portal will be used to report your hours under the Parent Service Hours section. Fees could be charged at the end of the school year for incomplete hours of volunteer work.
We would like to thank our families for helping our Lubbock private school give back. It not only strengthens our bond with our community and faith but also helps to show love and compassion
How to submit your volunteer hours
Log into your FACTS Family Portal account. Click on the Family Information tab on the left side of the screen. At this point, choose “Family Profile” from the drop-down options. Click on the name of the parent who performed the volunteer hours towards the middle of the screen. Click on the “Service Hours” tab to the right of the names’ section, then click on the “Add Service Hours” tab. You will then fill out a form for hours completed. Lastly, click save to complete the process. You may leave the “Verified By” section blank.
2024-2025 Home & School Officers
Recording & Corresponding Secretary
Alex Shrode
Trent Paul
Andrea Albus
Teacher Appreciation
Casey Carrothers
Welcoming Committee
Sarah Boynton
Elementary Parent Coordinator
Kayla Castillo
Jr. High Parent Coordinator
Yvonne Salazar
High School Parent Coordinator
Lael James
Trivia Night Coordinator
Natasha Billeaudeau
Fall Festival Chair
Andrea Albus
Hot Dog Booth (South Plains Fair) Chair
Laura Zupancic
Angel Workshop Chair
Yvonne Salazar
Scholastic Bookfair & School Supplies Chair
Trent Paul