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CTK Café

10-15-24 UPDATE – The CTK Café is currently operating on a three-times a week schedule for lunches.  Lunches are being provided by One Guy From Italy on University and Domino’s on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  Additional choices of ramen noodles and hot pockets are also available.  We are hoping to transition back to five days per week during the second semester.

CTK Café

The CTK Café staff serves a hot lunch every full school day for all elementary school through high school students. Additional choices of ramen noodles and hot pockets are also available. Occasionally, there are fundraiser lunches that are sold outside of the normal cafeteria ordering system.

How to Order

Lunch orders are completed through the Family Portal (formerly ParentsWeb) accounts on FACTS (formerly RenWeb). Parents or guardians can complete lunch forms and update student accounts on their students’ individual accounts.

Lunch orders are due at noon the Friday prior to the week lunches are served. Specific deadlines are given out in the First Friday Flash Newsletter


Special Circumstances

From time to time the unexpected occurs and your child does not have a hot lunch ordered and forgets to bring a lunch, the café does provide options so students will get to eat. If the café provides your child lunch, a charge slip will be sent home the same week. Please return payment for these charges within a week of receiving the charge slip.

If a student misses lunch as a result of an illness or attendance at a school-related function, a credit will be issued to the family’s cafeteria account. These credits will be applied towards future lunches ordered.


Performing volunteer work is important no matter what, and our community strives to create networks and support for our students through helping each other. Our CTK Café offers volunteer hours to help you to meet your required service hours.  Normal work hours are 10:30am to 1:45pm, but even an hour or two is a help when serving our children. Contact the CTK Café staff to volunteer by calling the school office at 795-8283, ext. 1235. Your help is truly a blessing to us as well as your child! Above all, when you volunteer you set an example for your students!