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Gate & Concession for Basketball – Volunteers are needed to work concession and gate for each home game from until February.  Any grade-level parent can volunteer for athletics. Just be sure to have your safe environment training completed (see info below).  Watch your email for information from Coach McComas on home game schedules or click here for the each home game’s sign-up genius to volunteer:

Valentine’s FunWatch for information from room parents regarding needs for the Elementary Valentine’s Parties and the Jr. High Valentine’s Dance!

Ongoing needs:

CTK Café – With the re-opening of the cafeteria in mid-September, volunteers are needed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, unless we have a noon dismissal.  Even an hour or two is helpful.  Contact Victoria Alonso in the café at or call 806-795-8283 to volunteer.

CTK School Library – occasional help is needed in the school library; contact School Librarian, Mrs. Lozada, ( for more information.


Required Service Hours Guidelines for the 2024-2025 School Year:  Volunteers are extremely important to our school community.  Volunteers can fill the gap in many areas with helping hands throughout the school as well as build our school community. Two-parent families have a twenty (20) hour requirement and single parent families’ requirement will be ten (10) hours each school year.  Half of your required service hours can be donated items or financial support for school activities.  Guidelines for equating service hours for donated items and financial support can be done at the rate of $15/service hour turned in (for example, a donated item worth $30 would equal 2 service hours).  Remaining required service hours should be fulfilled with in-person help and activities.  Service hours for 2024-2025 should be logged into your FACTS Family Portal after volunteering is completed,  All hours should be recorded no later than the last day of the school year.

Several service opportunities will be available this school year from volunteering at athletic events, working at the Home & School Association’s Foot-long Hot Dog booth at the South Plains Fair, making donations to class baskets for the Fall Festival & CTK School Foundation auctions, working a shift at the Fall Festival, class party donations, etc.

All volunteers must complete the Diocesan Safe Environment Training before volunteering in the school Please access the training at: On the menu board choose Safe Environment, Online Training, VIRTUS registration. Print the certificate of completion and bring to the front office.  This certificate is valid for 5 years.

Logging your completed hours:  To enter completed volunteer hours, log into your FACTS Family Portal account.  Click on the “Family Information” section on the left side of the screen.  Select the name of the parent who completed the volunteer hours (located in the middle area of the screen), and then click on the “Service Hours” tab in the box to the right of the names’ list.   After you select this tab, you will see a summary of hours already entered for the year.  To add additional hours, click on the “Add Service Hours” tab and fill out the form including date of service and click on the “Save” button (the “Verified by” section does not need to be completed).

Incomplete volunteer hours will be charged to families at the end of the school year at the rate of $50.00 per incomplete hour.